
How to Read Medium Member-Only Articles Without Membership: Free Guide for 2024

In 2024, readers will be looking for ways to get around 's paid wall without joining. Medium limits non-subscribers to three articles per month. This makes the desire to gain access only exclusive content for members more important than ever. The increasing dependence of authors on platforms such as Medium to earn income highlights the importance of a considerate approach when it comes to accessing content.

READ: How to Bypass a Paywall to Read an Article for Free Online

The guide explains how to read Medium articles for free using a variety of methods. These include browser extensions, incognito modes, links and archive services. The strategies provide a way to access Medium's articles without having to compromise on ethics or legality.

Method 1: Using Browser Extensions

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Browser Extensions for Accessing Medium Articles

1. Install the Medium Parser Extension

  • Begin by installing the Medium Parser extension from the Chrome Web Store. This extension is crucial for accessing premium Medium content without a subscription.
  • The extension uses services like Google Web Cache or Archive.is to unlock articles, maintaining an effective way to read content without direct subscription costs.
  • You can install the Medium Parser extension directly from Chrome Web Store.

2. Using the Extension

  • Once installed, navigate to a Medium article that you wish to read. Click on the Medium Parser icon in your browser's extension area.
  • Clicking the extension icon will activate it for the current page you are viewing.
  • Select the ‘Open in Freedium' option from the extension's dropdown menu.

3. Access the Article

  • After selecting ‘Open in Freedium', the article will open in a new tab, bypassing the Medium paywall.
  • This step allows you to view the complete article without needing a Medium membership.

Additional Extensions and Their Features

  • Medium Breaker Extension: Known for maintaining Medium's user interface while providing access to content globally. Available in the Chrome Web Store.
  • Unpaywall: Focuses on unlocking over 30 million scientific articles, enhancing access to scholarly content.
  • Read Unlimited Medium Stories: Adds additional free stories to your reading list, extending the usual limit imposed by Medium.
  • Bypass Paywall: A manual installation extension that simulates Google bot interactions to unlock articles on over 160 news websites.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Regularly check for updates to ensure extensions remain effective.
  • Combine the use of these extensions with other methods like incognito mode to maximize access to content.
  • Be aware of the ethical implications and support content creators when possible by engaging with their work in legitimate ways.

Troubleshooting/Common Mistakes

  • If an extension fails to bypass a paywall, try clearing your browser's cache or check for an updated version of the extension.
  • Some extensions may not work if the article is hosted on a platform that has enhanced security measures or specific paywall technology not covered by the extension. In such cases, trying alternative extensions or methods might be necessary.

Method 2: Leveraging Incognito Mode

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Incognito Mode for Accessing Medium Articles

1. Open an Incognito Window

  • Start by opening an incognito window in your web browser. This can usually be done by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of your browser and selecting “New Incognito Window”.
  • Incognito mode prevents tracking of your browsing habits and does not save any browsing data such as cookies, history, or search data, which is essential for attempting to read Medium articles without restrictions.

2. Search for the Article

  • Copy the title of the Medium article you want to read. Then, paste this title into the search bar of the incognito window you just opened.
  • Searching for the article in incognito mode may allow you to access it without hitting the paywall that limits you in a regular browsing mode.

3. Modify Search If Necessary

  • If the article does not appear in the search results, try adding the writer's name to your search query.
  • Sometimes, articles are indexed under the author's profile, especially if the titles are common or similar to other publications. Adding the author's name refines the search and increases the chances of finding the exact article.

4. Access the Article

  • Once you find the article in the search results, click on it to read.
  • This step should allow you to view the article as if you were accessing it for the first time, bypassing the usual restrictions placed on non-subscribers.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Be aware that this method might not always work as publishers continually update their paywall strategies to prevent such bypasses.
  • Using incognito mode in conjunction with other methods mentioned in this guide, like browser extensions, might enhance your success rate.

Troubleshooting/Common Mistakes

  • If the article still doesn't load, ensure that you are not logged into a Medium account in your incognito window, as this can sometimes cause the site to enforce paywall restrictions.
  • Check if you have any ad blockers or other browser extensions enabled in incognito mode that might interfere with the page loading correctly.

1. Using Telegram's Instant View

  • Open Telegram and use the Instant View feature to access Medium articles.
  • Instant View allows you to read articles seamlessly within Telegram without hitting the Medium paywall, ensuring quick and free access.

2. Navigating Restrictions in 2024

  • Be aware of potential restrictions when accessing Medium articles through social media links due to enhanced network security.
  • In 2024, security protocols on networks might restrict access to certain content to safeguard against unauthorized distribution.

3. Overcoming Access Blocks

  • If you encounter a block, logging into your Reddit account and using your developer token may provide a solution.
  • Using a developer token can authenticate your access, potentially bypassing blocks set by network security protocols.

4. Resolving Mistaken Blocks

  • File a support ticket with Medium if you believe your access has been mistakenly blocked.
  • Medium's support team can review and possibly resolve incorrect restrictions, restoring your access to the articles.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Regularly update your social media apps to ensure compatibility with new security measures and access features.
  • Use reliable and secure internet connections to minimize disruptions caused by network security features.

Troubleshooting/Common Mistakes

  • If access through social media links fails, ensure you are using the correct and most recent developer token in your Reddit account.
  • Check your app permissions to ensure that Telegram or other social media platforms are not restricted from accessing external links due to security settings on your device.

Method 4: Utilizing Archive Services

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Archive Services for Accessing Medium Articles

1. Access Archive Services Like the Wayback Machine

  • Navigate to the Wayback Machine website at archive.is.
  • The Wayback Machine archives web pages, allowing you to access older versions of websites and articles that may no longer be available in their original form.

2. Search for the Medium Article

  • Enter the URL of the Medium article you want to access in the search bar of the Wayback Machine.
  • This step helps you find archived versions of the article. However, note that not all articles may be archived.

3. Review Archived Versions

  • Browse through the list of dates and times to find the most recent archived version of the article.
  • Selecting the most recent version increases the likelihood of accessing the full content as it appeared before being placed behind a paywall.

Using Read-It-Later Apps to Bypass Paywalls

1. Install Apps Like Pocket or Instapaper

  • Download and install a read-it-later app such as Pocket or Instapaper.
  • These apps allow you to save articles for offline reading, which can sometimes bypass the limitations of a paywall.

2. Save the Medium Article

  • Use the app's web browser or extension to navigate to the Medium article and save it to your read-it-later list.
  • When you save an article, the app attempts to retrieve and store the full text, which might circumvent the paywall during the saving process.

3. Read the Article

  • Open the app and go to your list of saved articles. Select the Medium article to read it offline.
  • This allows you to access the content without a direct connection to Medium, potentially avoiding the paywall.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Regularly update the Wayback Machine and read-it-later apps to ensure they function correctly with the latest web standards and security measures.
  • If an article is not available via one archive service, try another as different services may have different coverage of web content.

Using a Website to Bypass

  • Kindly visit Freedium.cfdHow to Read Medium Member-Only Articles Without Membership: Free Guide for 2024
  • Copy and paste in the medium link in the box and then
  • Click on Go, wait for it to load out the full article for you.How to Read Medium Member-Only Articles Without Membership: Free Guide for 2024

This is the URL of the member-only article: Click Here to Open.

Troubleshooting/Common Mistakes

  • If you cannot find an article on the Wayback Machine, ensure you have the correct and complete URL. Sometimes, slight variations in URLs can lead to different archiving results.
  • For read-it-later apps, make sure the article is fully loaded on the browser before you save it, as incomplete loading might result in incomplete saving of content.

The Role of Archive Services and Websites

Archive services and websites play a crucial role in providing access to content that might otherwise be restricted or lost over time. These platforms, such as the Internet Archive, are pivotal in preserving digital content and ensuring that valuable information remains accessible to the public, including academic and journalistic resources.

Preserving Member-Only Content

Medium's member-only articles, designed to enrich knowledge with well-researched insights, are often behind a paywall. However, some of these articles are made freely available when they are deemed to have more societal value if accessed by a broader audience. This selective availability highlights the role of archive services in ensuring that important educational and cultural content is preserved for public access even when original platforms impose access restrictions.

1. Archiving for Future Access

  • Utilize services like the Internet Archive to search for and access content that has been archived.
  • This ensures that even if content goes behind a paywall or is removed from the original website, it remains accessible for research, education, and information purposes.

2. Contribution to Archival Collections

  • Engage with platforms that allow user contributions to their archives.
  • The Internet Archive, for instance, offers an open API which allows individuals to contribute to the preservation of scholarly materials, thereby enhancing the collective resource for global access.

Impact on Content Accessibility

The strategic archiving of articles and digital content plays a vital role in the democratization of information. By archiving member-only content that holds significant value, these services ensure that knowledge is not confined to those who can afford it but is available to anyone with internet access.

1. Ensuring Long-term Availability

  • Support and use archive services that store a wide range of digital content.
  • This supports educational initiatives and provides a backup for digital content that might be susceptible to loss due to technological or financial barriers.
  • Understand the legal implications of archiving content.
  • Ensure that the use of archived materials complies with copyright laws and ethical standards, particularly when it involves content that was initially available only through subscription.

Utilizing Archive Services Effectively

To maximize the benefits of archive services, users should be aware of how to access and utilize these resources properly.

1. Navigating Archived Content

  • Learn to use search functions and filters to find specific archived content.
  • Efficient searching helps in quickly locating the required documents or articles, saving time and effort.

2. Regular Updates and Contributions

  • Keep the archive updated by contributing new content or updates to existing content.
  • Regular updates ensure that the archive remains relevant and comprehensive, reflecting the latest information and research.

By understanding and utilizing these archive services, users can ensure continued access to valuable content, contributing to an informed and educated public. These platforms not only serve as a repository of information but also as a tool for ensuring the longevity and accessibility of knowledge in the digital age.

Ethical Considerations and Alternatives

Understanding the Ethical Implications

1. Respecting Medium's Terms of Service

  • Acknowledge the terms of service set by Medium, which prohibit the use of tools or methods to bypass paywalls.
  • This respects the legal boundaries and the rights of the platform and content creators.

2. Supporting Content Creators

  • Consider subscribing to Medium or engaging with the free content provided each month.
  • Subscriptions and legitimate engagement support the creators financially, enabling them to continue producing quality content.
  • Refrain from using unauthorized tools to bypass paywalls.
  • Such actions can lead to legal consequences, including account suspension or further legal actions by the platform.

2. Ethical Consumption of Content

  • Use ethical alternatives like directly contacting authors for access or finding legally free content.
  • This approach supports the creators while also respecting their rights to compensation for their work.

Alternatives to Bypassing Paywalls

1. Direct Support to Creators

  • Reach out to content creators directly to request access or explore other ways they might offer their content.
  • Many creators are willing to share their work directly or provide alternative access options.

2. Seeking Freely Available Resources

  • Search for content on platforms that do not require a subscription or paywall.
  • Utilizing open-access resources can provide valuable information without the ethical dilemmas associated with bypassing paywalls.

The Role of Paywalls in Content Quality

1. Understanding the Purpose of Paywalls

  • Recognize that paywalls help ensure journalists and content creators are compensated, leading to higher quality content.
  • Paywalls provide financial stability for creators, which can lead to better resources and improved content for readers.

2. Considering the Impact on Information Access

  • Reflect on how paywalls might limit access to important information for lower-income and disadvantaged groups.
  • While paywalls support content creators, they can also create barriers to information that might be crucial for public knowledge and welfare.

By considering these ethical aspects and alternatives, you can make informed decisions about accessing content in a way that respects both the creators and the legal frameworks they operate within.


By exploring various pathways on how to read Medium member-only articles for free, this comprehensive guide has examined various pathways of engagement with their content creators and users of member-only articles on Medium. From using browser extensions and incognito modes to archive services, readers have access to high-quality, free information while respecting and supporting content creators. These methods revealed innovation while reinforcing ethical responsibility as readers remained up-to-date and informed with high-quality pieces, reinforcing both accessing info while supporting its ecosystem that produces it.

Journeying through these alternatives may be enriching; yet also prompts reflection on its wider ramifications. We should support creators whose works contribute to expanding our knowledge and perspectives by supporting creators whose works enrich them both directly as well as through digital content consumption habits. Let us carry forward this spirit of critical inquiry and ethical engagement when engaging digital content – honoring both freedom to access knowledge while upholding its vibrancy in perpetuity across digital commons; in an age marked by constant streams of data may our choices reflect both our desire for information as well as respect for those who create it.

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