
How to Generate SSH Keys on Windows (3 Ways)

Secure remote server and location access is now an essential issue in today's virtual world. The old username/password combination is ineffective for protecting sensitive data. Thus, we have SSH (Secure Shell) keys. SSH keys are more secure, easier to generate, and more convenient than other methods of remotely accessing servers.

This exhaustive guide will examine three (3) ways to generate SSH Keys on . It doesn't matter if you're a Windows Terminal power user, or if you're using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), or you rather opt for all-around functionality solutions such as PuTTY. Alright now let's go ahead and see how you can create SSH Keys on Windows to securely access your remote servers.

Key Takeaway

  • SSH keys are an essential tool for secure access to remote servers and locations.
  • Windows users have multiple options for generating SSH keys, including Windows Terminal, Command Prompt, WSL, and PuTTY.
  • Generating SSH keys involves creating a key pair consisting of a public and private key.
  • Each method offers a different approach to generating SSH keys, catering to different user preferences and requirements.

What is SSH Keygen?

Before delving into the methods of generating SSH keys on Windows, it's crucial to understand the concept of SSH keygen. SSH keygen is a tool used to generate and manage SSH keys, providing a more secure alternative to traditional username and password authentication. SSH keys consist of a pair of cryptographic keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is stored on the remote server, while the private key is securely stored on your local machine.

Generate SSH Keys Using the Command Prompt on Windows

The Command Prompt is a built-in tool in Windows that allows users to execute various commands. It provides a straightforward method for generating SSH keys on Windows. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows key and searching for “cmd.”
  2. Type ssh-keygen and press Enter.SSH Gen with CMD
  3. Choose the desired save path and file name for the keys. You can also stick with the default location.
  4. Optionally, you can set a passphrase for added security.
  5. Confirm the passphrase and let the Command Prompt generate the keys.
  6. Once generated, the keys will be saved in the specified location.Generate SSH Keys on Windows

Generate SSH Keys Using WSL on Windows

If you prefer a Linux-like environment on your Windows machine, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a great option. Here's how you can generate SSH keys using WSL:

  1. Open Windows Terminal or a Command Prompt window within WSL.
  2. Execute the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 "your@email.address"
  3. Specify the location to save the keys and provide a passphrase if desired.
  4. Confirm the passphrase, and WSL will generate the SSH keys.

Generate SSH Keys Using PuTTY

PuTTY is a widely used SSH client for establishing secure connections between servers and computers. It also offers a convenient way to generate SSH keys on Windows. Here's how:

  1. Download and set up the PuTTY client for Windows if you haven't already done so.
  2. Open PuTTYgen by searching for “PuTTYgen” after pressing the Windows key.
  3. Select the desired key type and specify the bit value.
  4. Click on “Generate” and follow the instructions to increase the randomness of the key.
  5. Set a passphrase for the private key if desired.
  6. Save the public and private keys in your preferred location.

How to Generate Multiple Keys?

In certain scenarios, you may need multiple SSH keys to access different servers or locations. Fortunately, generating multiple SSH keys on Windows is a straightforward process. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Repeat any of the above methods to generate additional SSH keys.
  2. Ensure to label the file names or save them under unique names to avoid confusion.
  3. Remember to securely store the passphrases for each key.
  4. If switching to a new PC, manually transfer the keys to maintain access to your servers and locations.

FAQs about SSH Keygens:
To address common queries regarding generation on Windows, let's explore some frequently asked questions:

What is SSH keygen?

SSH keygen is a modern replacement for traditional username and password authentication. It generates a pair of cryptographic keys (public and private) for secure access to remote servers and locations.

Am I bound to provide a passphrase?

Providing a passphrase is optional but highly recommended. It adds an extra layer of security to your SSH keys.

Why are two files generated for a single SSH key?

Two files are generated: one with a .pub extension (the public key) and one without the extension (the private key). The public key is used for authentication on the remote server, while the private key is securely stored on your local machine.

How can I generate SSH keys if I am used to Linux?

If you're accustomed to Linux, you can leverage the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to generate SSH keys using familiar commands and tools.

How can I transfer SSH keys if I'm upgrading to a new PC?

To transfer SSH keys to a new PC, you can manually copy the key files from the old machine to the new one. Ensure that the keys are securely transferred and stored on the new machine.

How do you locate SSH keys afterward?

The location of the SSH keys depends on the method and options chosen during the key generation process. By default, keys are often saved in the user's home directory, but they can be saved to a different location if specified during generation.


Generating SSH keys on Windows is a crucial step in enhancing the security of your remote server access. In this comprehensive guide, we explored three different methods: using Command Prompt, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and PuTTY. Each method caters to different user preferences and requirements, providing flexibility and convenience.

Remember, SSH keys offer a more secure alternative to traditional username and password authentication. They create a key pair consisting of a public key and a private key, allowing you to securely access remote servers and locations. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can easily generate SSH keys on Windows and strengthen the security of your remote connections.

So, whether you're a Windows Terminal enthusiast, a Linux user leveraging WSL, or a PuTTY fan, you now have the knowledge to generate SSH keys and safeguard your remote server access. Stay secure, and enjoy the benefits of secure and convenient SSH key authentication on Windows.

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