
How to Fix ‘Send To Devices’ Not Working on Google Chrome

Experiencing issues with the “Send to your devices” feature on ? Don't fret! We've got you covered. Whether it's a glitch or a setting gone awry, we'll walk you through the steps to fix this pesky problem swiftly. Say goodbye to the frustration of not being able to seamlessly send tabs, links, and more across your devices with just a few clicks. Our easy-to-follow guide will have you back in action in no time, ensuring smooth sailing for all your browsing needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Regularly check for Chrome updates to ensure you have the latest version that addresses bugs and issues.
  • Adjust your sharing preferences in Google Chrome settings to troubleshoot “Send to Devices” problems effectively.
  • Restart Chrome as a simple yet effective way to resolve connectivity issues with sending content to other devices.
  • Clear browsing data periodically to prevent conflicts that might hinder the “Send to Devices” feature.
  • Temporarily disable extensions to pinpoint if any of them are causing interference with the functionality.
  • Stay updated with network and devices setup to maintain seamless communication between your devices and Chrome.

Identify Common Issues

Chrome Version

To address issues with Chrome, start by checking the current version to ensure it's up to date. Verify the stability of the version installed on your device.

Sharing Settings

Review the sharing settings in Google Chrome and make necessary adjustments. Enable sharing options for devices and ensure they are correctly configured.

Network Connection

Test the stability of your network connection to troubleshoot any potential issues. Ensure that network connectivity is reliable for all devices involved.

Device Compatibility

Confirm that your devices are compatible with Chrome by checking their support status. Ensure they meet all the necessary requirements for seamless operation.

Check Chrome Updates

Update Process

To ensure the send to devices feature works correctly on Google Chrome, start by checking for updates. Go to the browser's settings and click on “About Chrome” to initiate the update process. This action prompts Chrome to search for the latest version available.

Once you've initiated the update, monitor the progress closely. The update process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on your internet speed and the size of the update. Keep an eye on any notifications or progress bars that indicate the status of the update.

If you encounter any issues during the update process, it's essential to troubleshoot them promptly. Common problems include network connectivity issues, insufficient storage space, or conflicts with other software. Addressing these issues can help ensure a smooth update process and enable the send to devices feature to function properly.

Latest Version Benefits

Updating Chrome to the latest version brings several benefits that can enhance your browsing experience. Explore new features introduced in the updated version, such as improved tab management tools or enhanced security settings. These features can make your browsing more efficient and secure.

In addition to new features, updating Chrome also brings performance improvements. The latest version is typically optimized for speed and efficiency, ensuring that web pages load faster and browsing is smoother overall. By staying up-to-date with Chrome updates, you can enjoy a faster and more responsive browsing experience.

Furthermore, updating Chrome enhances security by patching any known vulnerabilities in previous versions. Security enhancements in the latest version help protect your data and privacy while browsing online. It's crucial to regularly update Chrome not only for new features but also for improved security measures.

Adjust Sharing Preferences

Enable Features

To fix send to devices not working on Google Chrome, start by activating necessary features. Go to Chrome settings and ensure that the sending feature is turned on. Customize the feature settings according to your preferences, such as selecting specific devices for sending. Make sure all relevant features are enabled to facilitate smooth device sharing.

Privacy Settings

Review your privacy settings in Chrome to troubleshoot sending issues. Check if any privacy restrictions are affecting device sharing. Adjust privacy preferences accordingly to allow seamless communication between devices. Ensure that your privacy settings do not interfere with sending to devices by granting necessary permissions for sharing.

Restart for Resolution

Chrome Restart

To troubleshoot issues with Send to Devices not working on Google Chrome, start by restarting the browser. Simply close the Chrome application and then reopen it. This simple action can often resolve connectivity problems.

Rebooting Chrome allows for a fresh start and can help in rectifying any temporary glitches that may be hindering the Send to Devices feature. By refreshing Chrome, you ensure that any underlying issues are addressed promptly.

Device Reboot

In addition to restarting Chrome, consider rebooting the device that is experiencing issues with Send to Devices functionality. A simple device reboot or power cycle can often clear out any technical hiccups.

Power cycling your device helps in resetting its network connections and system processes, potentially resolving any obstacles preventing smooth communication. Properly restarting devices involved in the sharing process is crucial for seamless operation.

Clear Browsing Data

Cache and Cookies

Clear cache and cookies in Chrome to resolve issues with sending to devices. This action eliminates stored data that might be causing the problem. Enhance browser performance by regularly clearing cache and cookies.

History Cleaning

Clean browsing history in Chrome to improve the functionality of sending to devices. By removing unnecessary browsing data, you can ensure smoother operations. Enhance your browser's performance by regularly clearing your history.

Disable Extensions Temporarily

Identify Culprits

Identifying the potential causes of send to devices issues is crucial. Look for network connectivity problems. Troubleshoot common culprits like outdated Chrome versions or conflicting extensions. Pinpoint specific factors affecting device communication, such as firewall settings or router configurations.

Extension Management

To manage Chrome extensions effectively, navigate to the Extensions menu in Chrome settings. Disable conflicting extensions that might disrupt send to devices functionality. Ensure that extensions do not interfere with sending content by enabling only necessary ones.

Network and Devices Setup

Connection Check

To troubleshoot the send to devices not working on Google Chrome issue, start by verifying your device's connection status. Ensure that both devices are connected to the same network. Troubleshoot any connection issues that may be hindering communication between devices. Make sure there are no network disruptions affecting the connectivity.

Check if your devices are properly connected to the internet and have a strong signal. Unstable connections can lead to failures in sending content between devices. Ensure a stable internet connection for seamless communication between your devices.

Device Sync Settings

Review the device sync settings in Google Chrome to ensure they are configured correctly. Access Chrome settings and navigate to the sync section to review your sync preferences. Adjust these settings as needed to enable seamless syncing between your devices.

Ensure that all your devices are properly synced with your Google account. Verify that the correct Google account is signed in on all devices you want to send content between. Syncing ensures that data, bookmarks, history, and other information are up-to-date across all your devices.

Update Google Chrome

Automatic Updates

To ensure Send to Devices feature works correctly on Google Chrome, it's crucial to enable automatic updates. By doing this, Chrome will regularly check for updates and install them automatically. This ensures that your browser is always running the latest version, which can fix any bugs related to sending links to devices. Keeping Chrome updated is essential for optimal performance.

Staying up to date with the latest Chrome versions is essential for the smooth functioning of features like Send to Devices. By enabling automatic updates, you can rest assured that any necessary fixes or improvements are promptly applied. This proactive approach helps in maintaining the overall stability and functionality of your browser.

Manual Update Steps

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can opt for manual update steps to ensure that your Google Chrome is up to date. By following these steps, you can manually check for updates and initiate the update process yourself. This method allows you to have more control over when the updates are installed and gives you a sense of security knowing that your browser is always current.

To manually check for Chrome updates, navigate to the browser's settings menu and look for the option to check for updates. By clicking on this feature, Chrome will search for any available updates and prompt you to install them if there are any pending. This manual process ensures that you are actively involved in keeping your browser updated and functioning optimally.

Performing update procedures manually may take a bit more effort than relying on automatic updates, but it gives you the advantage of being in charge of when the updates occur. This hands-on approach can be beneficial if you prefer to have more control over your browser's maintenance and want to ensure that all features, including Send to Devices, work seamlessly.

Reset Chrome Settings

Reset Process

To initiate the Chrome reset process, first, open your Google Chrome browser. Look for the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner and click on it. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu that appears. Scroll down to find the “Advanced” option and click on it. Within the advanced settings, locate the “Reset and clean up” section.

Click on “Restore settings to their original defaults.” A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click on “Reset settings” to confirm your action. This will revert Chrome back to its default state, eliminating any customizations or changes made previously.

Troubleshooting complex issues can be effectively tackled through resetting Chrome. Issues like malfunctioning extensions, corrupted settings, or unusual behavior can often be resolved by returning Chrome to its original configuration.

Post-reset Setup

After resetting Chrome, you need to set it up again according to your preferences. Start by signing into your Google account if required. Customize your browsing experience by adjusting settings such as search engine preferences, homepage layout, and privacy options.

Configure preferences post-reset by going through each setting carefully. Ensure that security features like pop-up blockers and safe browsing settings are enabled for a secure browsing experience. Check extensions and plugins to re-enable any essential tools you had before the reset.

To ensure smooth operation after resetting Chrome, monitor its performance closely in the initial days post-reset. Keep an eye out for any unusual behavior or issues that may arise as you start using the browser again. If you encounter any persistent problems, consider reinstalling specific extensions or seeking further assistance from Google support.

Alternative Solutions

Browser Alternatives

When fixing send to devices not working on Google Chrome, consider exploring alternative browsers. Evaluate options like Firefox, Opera, or Microsoft Edge for device sharing. Each browser offers unique features that may enhance your device connectivity experience.

You can consider other browsers with similar features to Google Chrome. These alternatives might provide a seamless solution to the issue of sending content across devices. Test different browsers to find one that best suits your needs.

Evaluate various browser options available in the market. Look for browsers that prioritize device compatibility and offer robust features for sending content across different devices seamlessly.

Third-party Tools

To address the problem of “send to devices not working,” you can utilize third-party tools designed for device communication. These tools can enhance the connectivity between your devices and facilitate smoother sharing processes.

Explore different third-party applications that specialize in enhancing device connectivity. Tools like Pushbullet or Join can streamline the process of sending content from one device to another effortlessly.

Enhance your experience of sending content across devices by leveraging external applications that offer additional functionalities beyond what traditional browsers provide. These third-party tools can bridge the gap and ensure seamless communication between your devices.


You have now explored various troubleshooting steps to address the “send to devices not working on Google Chrome” issue. By identifying common issues, checking for updates, adjusting preferences, and trying alternative solutions, you are equipped to tackle this problem effectively. Remember always to keep your Chrome browser updated and clear browsing data regularly to ensure smooth functionality.

Incorporate these strategies into your troubleshooting routine whenever you encounter similar issues. Your proactive approach will not only resolve current problems but also enhance your overall browsing experience. Stay informed about the latest Chrome features and settings to prevent future complications. Keep exploring new solutions and optimizing your browser settings for seamless performance.

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