
Android 12 is Going to Come for Pixel Phones in Early October

The Pixel phones are getting their fifth and final beta build of this week. This comes after released it last week. Google has given us the estimated date of the stable update’s release, but they never provided us a precise date. Now, we have found some evidence which indicates the predicted time of the stable Android 12 upgrade release.

It’s the end of the road for future software releases built on the Android 10, Android 11, and Android 12 frameworks. I tweeted out a screencap of an internal Google document detailing this earlier today. In case you didn’t know, every OEM is obligated to get Google’s permission to distribute any device having Google Mobile Services on it (GMS). Google ends up denying approval of devices running older versions of Android OS, because OEMs just keep releasing them. The list of information I supplied clearly illustrates when Google publishes the source code for each new Android version, which starts the countdown to when Google’s “approval window” for each Android release closes.

Android 12’s source code will be published on October 4, 2021, and it appears that Google is the one who will be doing it. Android 12 will launch in conjunction with AOSP’s Gerrit being used to publish this source code, just like the last few Android major updates.


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