
How to install Node.js on Windows

Welcome! Are you new to web development with JavaScript and want a place to begin your journey, is an ideal starting point. In this guide I’ll show you all of the steps necessary how to install node.js on computers so you’re set with everything needed to begin creating awesome apps and learning new skills – let’s do this together!

Key Takeaways

  • Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to build server-side apps
  • Installation is easy – just download the Windows installer from the Node.js website
  • Checking the node version in CMD confirms successful installation
  • Node Package Manager (NPM) is bundled for access to thousands of packages

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment designed to enable developers to construct server-side web apps using JavaScript, an interactivity language commonly found within browsers but now being utilized on Node.js in order to build entire apps and services through Node!JS! In contrast to past practice where only browsers used it for interactive features; Node now utilizes it as part of its infrastructure for server side development!

Node.js utilizes Google’s V8 JavaScript engine for efficient execution of JavaScript code outside a browser – meaning developers have one language they can use across their entire stack (frontend and backend).

Some key benefits of Node.js include:

  • Lightning fast – Node.js has a single-threaded, non-blocking I/O model that makes it very fast and scalable for real-time applications with many simultaneous connections.
  • Easy to use – JavaScript translates seamlessly from browser to backend with Node.js, so there’s no new language to learn!
  • Popular – With over 1 million downloads each month, Node.js has a huge global community of developers sharing packages and knowledge.

In summary, Node.js allows us to easily build dynamic backend services using JavaScript – the same language you likely already know from frontend web development. This common language approach lowers the barriers to full stack development.

How to Install Node.js on Windows

Now that we understand what Node.js is, let’s move on to installing it step-by-step:

#1. Download the Windows Installer

Head over to the Node.js website and select the “Windows Installer” option under the LTS release. This will begin downloading the .msi file.

#2. Run the Installer

Once downloaded, open the file and follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the installer. Be sure to accept the license agreement.

#3. Select Install Location

The default location is fine, but you can optionally choose where Node.js will be installed if you wish. Click Next to continue.

#4. Install!

The installer will now begin copying the necessary files. Just sit back and let it do its thing – it only takes a minute or two.

#5. Finish and Launch

Once complete, click Finish to wrap things up. You can now start using Node.js right away!

Confirming the Installation

To double check everything went smoothly, let’s verify the Node.js version:

1. Open Command Prompt

You can find this by searching for “cmd” in the Windows search bar.

2. Type node -v

This prints the currently installed Node.js version. If you see a number response, then congratulations – it’s working!

Using NPM

The Node Package Manager (NPM) comes pre-installed with Node.js on Windows. This provides access to an enormous library of open source packages other developers have published for use in Node.js projects.

To install new packages, use the npm install command followed by the package name:

npm install package-name

For example, to install the popular Express web framework:

npm install express

NPM will then automatically download and configure the package plus any dependencies it has. This makes it incredibly easy to incorporate existing functionality into your projects with minimal effort.

Common Questions

Now that you understand how to install Node.js on Windows, let me address some frequently asked questions:

Which Version Should I Use?

The LTS (Long Term Support) version on nodejs.org is recommended for most users. It provides stability and security updates for several years.

Where Do I Write Code?

You can use any code editor like VS Code. Make sure to save files with the .js extension for JavaScript files.

How Do I Run a Program?

To execute a JavaScript file, open the command prompt and navigate to its folder. Then type node filename.js

Can I Remove Old Node Versions?

Yes, you can safely uninstall older Node.js versions from your Windows programs list if needed to avoid confusion. Just be sure to keep the latest version installed.

What Next After Installing?

Now you’re all set up! I suggest following a Node.js tutorial online or diving into the documentation to learn the basics of the framework. Have fun creating with JavaScript on the backend!


I hope you found this guide helpful in learning how to get Node.js installed and running on Windows. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions!

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