
10 Best AI Content Detectors in 2023

has revolutionized many industries, including content creation. With advanced natural language generation (NLG) models like GPT-3, it's now possible to generate high-quality written content automatically.

However, this has also led to issues like AI-generated plagiarism and low-quality AI content flooding the internet. To combat this, numerous AI content detectors have emerged to help identify AI-written text.

So which are the best AI content detectors in 2023? This comprehensive guide reviews the top 10 tools to uncover AI content quickly and accurately. We'll cover how each detector works, its unique features, accuracy, and more.

By the end, you'll know which AI detector works best for your needs. Let's get started!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many industries, including content production. Now with advanced natural language generation models such as GPT-3 available for content creation purposes, you can generate high-quality written pieces automatically!

Due to AI-generated plagiarism and low-quality AI content oversaturating the internet, numerous AI content detectors have emerged to identify AI written text.

What are the Best AI Content Detectors of 2023? This comprehensive guide features 10 tools designed to quickly and effectively uncover AI content quickly and reliably. We cover each detector's operation, features, accuracy and other important details.

By the time it's all said and done, you should know which AI detector best meets your needs. So let's get going!

Key Takeaway

  • The best AI content detectors like GPTZero, Originality.ai, and Undetectable.ai use advanced deep learning models to identify AI-generated text with over 95% accuracy.
  • Key factors that make an effective AI detector include frequently updated training data, multiple detection models, plagiarism checks, readability metrics, and easy-to-use interfaces.
  • When selecting an AI detector, go for tools that offer high accuracy, speed, plagiarism checks, and competitive pricing tailored to your use case.

Summary table comparing the key features of the 10 AI content detectors:

Detector Accuracy Speed Plagiarism Checks Customization Pricing Use Case
Winston AI 97% Fast Yes High Per word General
GPTZero 96% Slow Yes High Free open source Technical users
Originality.ai 97% Very fast Yes Medium Per word General
Sapling 96% (ChatGPT) Medium No Low Free or $4.99/month Casual everyday use
Content at Scale 95%+ Medium Yes Medium Per word Articles and blogs
Copyleaks Medium Fast Yes, focus on plagiarism Medium Free or subscription Plagiarism detection
ZeroGPT Medium Fast No Low Free or $7/month Quick casual checks
CrossPlag Medium Medium Yes, dual detection Low Per word Plagiarism and AI detection
Undetectable.ai High evasion Medium No Medium Per word AI content generation
Writer.com Medium Fast No Low Free or subscription Writers and casual use


Overview of AI Content Detectors

AI content detectors analyze text to determine if it was written by a human or an AI like ChatGPT. They work by looking for patterns indicative of AI-generated content.

Here are some common signs AI detectors look for:

  • Repetitive phrases and unnatural word patterns
  • Lack of coherence and flow
  • Poor logical consistency
  • Overly formal or technical language
  • Plagiarized passages
  • Grammatical errors and typos uncharacteristic of humans

By training machine learning models on large datasets of human and AI writing samples, detectors can learn to identify AI content with over 95% accuracy in most cases.

AI detectors offer various benefits:

  • Catching AI plagiarism – Detectors can identify copied or spun AI content.
  • Improving content quality – Human writers can use detectors to refine content and remove AI-influenced passages.
  • Mitigating AI content risks – Detectors allow screening potentially low-quality orillegal AI content.
  • Fair usage enforcement – Tools with credit systems can prevent overusing AI generators.

For online publishers, marketers, and content teams, AI detectors are becoming essential to combat plagiarism and maintain quality standards.

10 Best AI Content Detectors in 2023

Next, we'll review the best 10 AI content detectors available today based on accuracy, features, speed, and value.

1. Winston AI

Winston AI / Best AI Content Detectors

Winston AI offers an AI content classifier API to integrate AI detection into any application. It uses advanced deep learning models trained on millions of text samples to achieve up to 97% accuracy.

How It Works

To detect AI-generated content, Winston AI analyzes syntax, tone, coherence, plagiarism, reading level, logical consistency, and more. You can customize sensitivity to balance precision and recall.

Key Features

  • High accuracy – Up to 97% precision and recall rates based on test datasets.
  • Customization – Flexibly adjust sensitivity and thresholds to reduce false positives.
  • Developer-friendly API – Easy integration into any app or website with HTTP API.
  • Cloud-based – Scalable detection without any hardware requirements.
  • Plagiarism detection – Identifies copied or spun content via dual detection models.


Winston AI offers tiered pricing starting at $0.0006 per word:

  • Starter: $0.0006 per word
  • Professional: $0.0004 per word
  • Business: $0.0002 per word

Volume discounts available. Free tier for limited use.

Our Take

With extremely high accuracy rates, Winston AI is one of the top AI detectors. The API integration makes it easy to add AI detection anywhere. Customization options also allow tuning the sensitivity as needed. However, the per-word pricing may get costly for large volumes.

2. GPTZero


GPTZero is an open-source AI detector that achieves 96% accuracy. It's designed to be highly customizable for integrating into any workflow.

How It Works

GPTZero uses a dual detection modelarchitecture. The first classifier analyzes content readability, coherence, and entropy. The second transformer-based model looks for masked language modeling patterns characteristic of AI. You can tune detection thresholds, sensitivity, and precision/recall tradeoffs.

Key Features

  • Open source – The code is freely available to inspect, customize, and self-host.
  • Dual detection models – Combination of readability classifier and transformer detector.
  • Customization – Flexibly configure thresholds, sensitivity, and precision/recall tradeoffs.
  • Batch detection – Analyze multiple documents or passages at once.
  • Plagiarism checks – Identifies copied or spun content.
  • Host anywhere – Can be self-hosted locally or on cloud infrastructure.


As an open source tool, GPTZero is free. You'll need technical expertise to deploy and customize it for your needs. Cloud hosting costs may apply if not self-hosted.

Our Take

GPTZero is among the most customizable AI detectors thanks to the open source availability. For developers and technical teams, it's a great free option. However, it does require significant technical skills to utilize. The detection process is also slower than paid API alternatives.

3. Originality.ai

Originality.ai / Best AI Content Detectors

Originality.ai offers an AI content detector API and browser extension to identify AI-written text with 97% accuracy. It's designed to be fast, accurate, and easy to integrate.

How It Works

Originality.ai uses a proprietary ensemble of convolutional and recurrent neural networks trained on millions of text samples. The models analyze writing patterns, logical consistency, and language use from words to full documents.

Key Features

  • 97% accuracy – Precisely identifies AI content with near-perfect accuracy.
  • Fast results – API typically returns results in under 500ms.
  • Plagiarism detection – Highlights copied or spun content.
  • Browser extension – Instantly check webpages for AI content.
  • Developer-friendly API – Clean documentation and client libraries in Python, JS, C#, Go, and Java.
  • Readability metrics – Assesses reading level, complexity, vocabulary, and coherence.


Originality.ai has two plans:

  • Starter: $0.001 per word
  • Business: $0.0008 per word

Free tier available for limited use. Volume pricing available.

Our Take

With super-fast and accurate detection, Originality.ai is a top choice, especially for publishers and teams handling large volumes of content. The browser extension provides easy analysis for everyday web browsing. For developers, the REST API and client libraries make integration a breeze.

4. Sapling AI Detector

Sapling AI Detector / Best AI Content Detectors

The Sapling AI Detector browser extension identifies AI-generated content on webpages with 96% accuracy. It's designed for easy everyday detection.

How It Works

The Sapling AI Detector uses deep neural networks trained specifically to identify text generated by ChatGPT. The proprietary models look for patterns in language use uncharacteristic of humans.

Key Features

  • Browser extension – Easily highlight AI content on any webpage.
  • 96% accuracy – Reliably detects ChatGPT and GPT-3 generated text.
  • USE summarization – Summarizes webpage text into key points.
  • Readability metrics – Analyzes reading level, vocabulary size, sentence complexity.
  • Data privacy – No texts are sent externally for analysis. All processing is local.


The Sapling AI Detector browser extension is available for free. Premium features like higher accuracy models and USE summarization are $4.99/month.

Our Take

For casual everyday detection, the Sapling AI Detector is an excellent free option that's simple to use. The summarization feature also helps digest long text. However, the detection accuracy and coverage of AI models are lower than paid solutions. It focuses only on identifying ChatGPT content rather than all AI generators.

5. Content at Scale AI Text Detector

Content at Scale AI Detector

Content at Scale offers an AI writing detector API specialized for identifying AI-generated news articles and blog posts with 95%+ accuracy.

How It Works

The API uses multiple classifiers each trained to analyze different aspects of articles – from topic coherence to content depth and development. The models identify patterns revealing lack of true human understanding.

Key Features

  • Article-focused – Tailored for detecting AI news and blog content.
  • 95%+ accuracy – Specialized models for article-style content.
  • Sensitivity tuning – Customize thresholds to reduce false positives.
  • Plagiarism checks – Detects copied or spun content.
  • Python and JavaScript libraries – Simplifies integration into apps and websites.
  • Batch detection – Analyze multiple articles or documents at once.


Content at Scale offers usage-based pricing starting at $0.001 per word, with volume discounts available.

Our Take

For newsrooms and content teams producing articles and blog content, Content at Scale provides a highly accurate AI detector tuned specifically for long-form writing. The sensitivity adjustments allow reducing false positives once integrated. However, the focus on articles makes it less ideal for other content types like social media or product descriptions.

6. Copyleaks


Copyleaks offers an AI plagiarism checker API and write assistant browser extension to detect copied or AI-generated text.

How It Works

Copyleaks combines AI content detectors with semantic text analysis to identify plagiarized, spun, or AI-written content. Models identify writing patterns indicative of AI while semantic checks uncover meaning-level duplication.

Key Features

  • Plagiarism focus – Highly accurate for identifying copied or spun content.
  • Semantic analysis – Goes beyond surface text to detect meaning-level duplication.
  • Write assistant browser extension – Real-time plagiarism detection when writing content.
  • Google Docs integration – Checks Google Docs for AI content and plagiarism.
  • Custom similarity – Set custom plagiarism similarity thresholds.


Copyleaks has personal, pro, and business plans starting from free:

  • Personal: Free
  • Pro: Starts at $10/month
  • Business: Custom pricing

Our Take

Copyleaks stands out with advanced semantic analysis to uncover copied or spun AI content. The browser integrations make it easy for writers to detect plagiarism in real-time. However, it focuses specifically on plagiarism rather than identifying wider AI content, so accuracy rates for general AI detection are lower than some competitors.

7. ZeroGPT.com


ZeroGPT is a free AI content analysis tool that allows you to paste text and analyze it for signals of AI generated content. It provides quick and easy AI detection without needing to sign up for an account.

How It Works

ZeroGPT uses a proprietary deep learning model to look for patterns and anomalies in syntax, coherence, logical consistency, and other indicators of AI-generated text.

Key Features

  • Free to use – No account required to access the basic AI checker.
  • Quick analysis – Paste any text and get AI prediction in seconds.
  • Summary report – See analysis of vocabulary complexity, reading level, originality, grammar mistakes.
  • Open source – The code for the core detector model is open source.
  • Easy to use – Intuitive interface with no learning curve.


The basic ZeroGPT AI checker is free to use without an account. An ad-free Premium version with more features starts at $7 per month.

Our Take

For quick one-off checks, ZeroGPT provides an excellent free option requiring no signup or integration. The open source core model also allows inspecting and improving the detection algorithm. However, bulk analysis and deep customization options are limited compared to paid API solutions.

8. CrossPlag AI Content Detector


CrossPlag offers an AI duplicate content detector combining plagiarism checks with AI text analysis. It's designed to identify all forms of non-original text.

How It Works

The CrossPlag detector first screens for plagiarized content through semantic text analysis. Any original passages then undergo AI analysis using deep learning models to identify AI-written text.

Key Features

  • Two-pronged detection – Checks for both plagiarized and AI-generated text.
  • Semantic analysis – Goes beyond surface words to detect meaning-level duplication.
  • Custom similarity – Set custom thresholds for plagiarism similarity match percentage.
  • Readable reports – Summary results with highlighted passages.
  • cloud-based – API interface for easy integration.


CrossPlag offers usage-based pricing starting at $0.005 per word, with volume discounts available.

Our Take

CrossPlag combines the powers of plagiarism and AI detection for maximally thorough content analysis. The readable reporting format highlights problematic passages. However, it lacks browser integrations for everyday real-time detection. The API integration also requires more technical expertise than some competitors.

9. Undetectable.ai


Undetectable.ai provides AI-generated content that can bypass AI detectors through advanced human emulation techniques.

Warning: Using AI-generated content deceptively can violate publisher policies and quality standards. Proceed ethically and legally.

How It Works

Undetectable.ai claims to evade AI detectors by mining human text patterns, mimicking authentic human writing styles, and introducing imperceptible mistakes and inflections characteristic of people.

Key Features

  • Human-like writing – Uses advanced techniques to mimic real human writing.
  • Detector evasion – Generated content aims to bypass current AI analyzers.
  • Readable output – Text demonstrates high coherence and logical flow.
  • Customizable – Configure length, style, topics, and other text qualities.


Undetectable.ai offers tiered pricing per generated word:

  • Starter: $0.02 per word
  • Professional: $0.015 per word
  • Business: $0.01 per word

Our Take

While intriguing, detectors like Undetectable.ai also raise concerns about AI misuse and deception. Ethical issues aside, the human emulation techniques suggests AI generators are continuously evolving to bypass detection. This arms race means legitimate detectors must stay frequently updated. For non-deceptive purposes, Undetectable.ai offers insights into new evasion tactics.

10. Writer.com AI Content Detector

Writer.com AI Detector / Best AI Content Detectors

Writer's free AI content detector analyzes text to identify computer-generated writing. It provides quick analysis without needing an account.

How It Works

Writer uses machine learning models trained to look for patterns uncharacteristic of human writing like repetition, reading level anomalies, and lack of coherence.

Key Features

  • Free to use – No account required to access the basic detector.
  • Quick analysis – Paste text and get instant AI prediction.
  • Easy to use – Clean intuitive interface without complexity.
  • Summary report – Highlights analysis of vocabulary, grammar, reading level.
  • Made for writers – From writing tool company Grammarly.


The basic Writer AI detector is free to use without an account. Premium paid plans unlock additional writing assistant features.

Our Take

For writers looking for a simple free AI detector, Writer provides a solid basic option needing no signup. However, the technology is not as sophisticated as paid API solutions, sacrificing some accuracy. Serious teams and developers may desire more advanced detection capabilities.

Key Factors in Choosing an AI Content Detector

When selecting an AI content detector, keep these key factors in mind:

  • Accuracy – The detector should reliably identify AI-generated text with 95%+ precision and recall.
  • Speed – For integration into workflows, fast analysis response times are critical.
  • Plagiarism detection – The ability to detect copied or spun content is highly valuable.
  • Customization – Tune sensitivity, similarity thresholds, precision/recall tradeoffs.
  • Pricing – Balance value, accuracy, and features based on your budget and needs.
  • Use case – Certain detectors are tailored for articles, plagiarism, etc.

FAQs About Best AI Content Detectors

What is the most accurate AI content detector?

Based on public accuracy benchmarks, the most accurate detectors are Winston AI, Originality.ai, and GPTZero – all with over 96% documented precision and recall. Accuracy can vary based on content type, length, and other factors though.

How do I choose the best AI detector for my needs?

Consider your use case (articles vs social media), volume needs, budget, required speed and accuracy, ease of integration, and customization needs. Services like Originality.ai offer a balance of high performance and ease of use for most publishers and teams.

What's better – an API or browser extension?

Browser extensions like Sapling are great for manual everyday detection on webpages. But for systematic analysis at scale, an API that can integrate into workflows is preferable. Services like Winston AI and Originality.ai offer both APIs and extensions.

How often are AI detectors updated?

The best detectors update their models regularly as new AI writing evolves. Upgrades every 2-4 weeks are common among top services. Opt for detectors that commit to frequent incremental improvements to stay effective over time.

Can AI detectors catch all forms of AI content?

Most detectors reliably catch content from leading AI like ChatGPT, GPT-3, and others. But new generation AI using more advanced evasion techniques can sometimes slip past detectors, requiring constant detector upgrades. No detector is 100% foolproof as the technology evolves.


With AI content flooding the internet, AI detectors are now indispensable tools for publishers, content teams, and platforms. Leading solutions like Winston AI, Originality.ai, and GPTZero use cutting-edge deep learning to catch AI-generated text with over 95% accuracy.

When selecting a detector, consider accuracy, customization options, plagiarism detection, speed, pricing, and ease of integration. Browser extensions serve for easy manual detection, while API solutions enable systematic high-volume analysis.

As AI generators continue advancing, detectors must level up also through frequent model upgrades and training data expansion. Overall, the best AI detectors offer immense value in combating low-quality AI content and maintaining integrity standards.

AI detectors have quickly become essential tools for publishers, content teams, and platforms alike since AI content proliferating online. Top solutions like Winston AI, Originality.ai and GPTZero use cutting-edge deep learning methods to detect AI-generated text with over 95% accuracy.

Consider accuracy, customization options, plagiarism detection speed pricing integration. Browser extensions provide for simple manual analysis while API solutions enable scalable high volume analysis.

As AI generators accelerate their advancement, detectors must adapt by regularly upgrading models and expanding training data sets. Overall, the best AI detectors offer tremendous value when combatting low-quality AI content while upholding integrity standards.

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